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Is it time to...

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Meaning... to advance an opportunity in
a manner not dependent upon one's limited resources! 


Hello, my name is Vic Lang.  Though only now launching this initiative, the company...


Entrepreneurialize Opportunity Corp ("EOC")


was incorporated several years ago.  As the name suggests, it offers businesses 'opportunity-driven' management alternatives over traditional administrative methods.   With the collaboration of a broad range of creative, technical, and professional experts, the goal for EOC is to address the daily issues every small to midsize business contends with.


Having experienced success and setbacks, I will Assist those seeking to become better at what they do.  I also offer Advice when the need coincides with my expertise or that of my Working Associates.  Finally, I enjoy working as a
Co-developer, supporting owners of growth-challenged businesses who prefer not to 'go it alone.' In this capacity, I become an...




I can help.  But by help, I do not mean 'business advice' for entrepreneurs.  Instead, I mean 'entrepreneurial counsel' for fully established businesses and, occasionally, those just starting out.

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Why choose me? 
The answer is simple: Mileage!

Over the years, I've gathered a treasure trove of what is now known as
'Experiential Kn


This newly coined term encompasses
my more than 50 years of launching
new ventures and enhancing businesses
that already existed, some already estab
lished for many years.

Welcome!  I have been blessed with a
unique and industry-diverse background.
I'm here to share insights derived from the moments of euphoria and many

trials and tribulations. 


Whether you're venturing into uncharted territory or looking to strengthen existing endeavours, my background serves
as a storehouse of practi

And yes, some wisdom, all to your benefit!

Anchor 1

The Approach

Business Person versus Entrepreneur

While the terms are used interchangeably today, the difference between a Businessperson and an Entrepreneur can be signified by role and management approach. 


Where the businessperson typically gravitates to enterprise operations, the entrepreneur is in pursuit of opportunity.  At EOC, we will focus on the latter and how that pursuit may be effectively harnessed, both within traditionally run businesses or as adopted by aspiring entrepreneurs.  


As a complement addressing many of the challenges  traditional business owners face, yet not losing sight of the advantages of an entrepreneurial approach, we will soon introduce an initiative we have called:





A FixtheBiz PATCH.png

Click this Patch,then EOC to come back...

About Us... 

Applying 'entrepreneurial' techniques best suited to the need, our mandate is simple:


'Enhance what exists!' 



Solutions are applied to underperforming businesses and real property not delivering perceived value. 


Be it a Startup Enterprise wanting to know "how to get there from here" or a Mature Business seeking to define the 'next chapter', our approach is the same: organizing the wherewithal to get the job done.   


Real Property needs are addressed similarly This establishes an optimal use and the best financial strategy to complete the project. []


Business or property, all of our initiatives focus on the desired result: 


'Realization of inherent value!'

Small Title

entrepeneurialize opprotunity corp logo

"Harnessing Opportunity Despite Resource Limitations"

Harnessmaker Icon
Woodcut: Der Sattler Jost Amman, Hans Sachs – 1568



Symbolizing our 'entrepreneurialize'
purpose, which is to 'inspan' Opportunity!
I chose this woodcut to characterize the nature of the firm's work.  It relates equally to enterprise growth activity as it does property enhancement.
– Victor Lang, Entrepreneurialist 
Woodcut: Der Sattler
Jost Amman, Hans Sachs
– 1568  
[Attributions - Fig. 1 ]

Many small and midsize businesses, the world over, do not fulfill the expectation their owners first envision.  Likewise, all property categories will see some that underperform their market potential.


But what to do when the wherewithal and the means to respond are also lacking?


I believe the answer is:


Creative Entrepreneurship
as in

"The pursuit of opportunity beyond resources controlled!”


        – Howard H. Stevenson,
Harvard Business School

Who Benefits

Who benefits?


Business Owners

Facing launch, recovery or growth issues, many small to midsize businesses are challenged with: 'how to
get there from here'


This demands an alternate management approach to traditional, resource-based management methods.


The answer:


Property Holders

Although a 'seller's market' has held for a time, it has not always been so. 


Today, the challenge of not knowing the potential one's property is holding, makes realizing its real value elusive.



Able to help is:




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Formerly, traditional bankers stood ready to support a viable venture. 


However, as new policy changes & government imposed lending rules are adopted, far fewer options remain.


Well-structured private, public or exempt equity offerings are more often the necessary response. 


Consider a call to:




At Entrepreneurialize, we are beholden to those who would typically be our ‘rivals'.  Adopting a highly collaborative approach to enhancing opportunities makes many advisors our appreciated allies. 


This includes creative freelancers, technical talent and of course all professional expertise. 


Those who are open to collaboration, are invited


EOC Services Intro.
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"A problem seen is a problem solved!"  Combine this with
a practical approach designed to enhance what exists, or
develop that which does not, Entrepreneur
Opportunity Corp.
brings about a new purpose.  Its role is to capture the intrinsic,
and in turn, help harness the improved value that is the result!

By help, I do not mean 'business advice’ for entrepreneurs.  Instead, I mean 'entrepreneurial advice' for businesses!"

“I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had the time to make it shorter.”


– Blaise Pascal, Lettres Provinciales, 1657


Let's Talk
Victor Lang Entrepreneurialize founder

Hello, I'm Vic Lang
If you have a 'right now' need...

Let's Talk!
Submit the message form below...
Also, please visit my Blog:   

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3665 Kingsway, Suite 300
Vancouver, BC, V5R 5W2



Tel:  1.604.290.6851

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© 2019/24 by Entrepreneurialize Opportunity Corp.

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